Placenta Encapsulation


what are the possible benefits?

  • Increase in energy

  • Restore hormonal balance, decrease the “baby blues” and postpartum depression

  • Ease mood changes and emotional tenderness during the fourth trimester

  • Increase and improve breastmilk production 

  • Increase release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding between mother and newborn

  • Provide needed nutrients to a postpartum mother

  • Restore iron levels in maternal blood and shorten postpartum bleeding

  • Increase CRH, a stress-reducing hormone

*All of these physical and emotional benefits can lead to improved bonding with your baby. Think of placenta encapsulation as a great insurance policy for the happiest possible fourth trimester! 

placenta encapsulation services:

Placenta Encapsulation within 20 miles of Modesto:
$350 (Add $100 for twins)

Includes pick up of your placenta, encapsulation process, delivery of capsules and instructions for storage and consumption.

Subtract $50 if client arranges placenta drop off & pick-up of capsules or if we will be your birth doula team.

Please send an inquiry and we will reply with further instructions.

what’s in the placenta?

  • Oxytocin: known as the “love hormone” which helped your uterus contract to give birth to your baby. It is also present during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and baby.

  • Gamma globulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections

  • Urokinase Inhibiting Factor & Factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: boosts energy and helps recover from stressful events

  • Gonadotrophin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone

  • Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infection

  • Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks stores of energy

  • Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia

  • Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory

  • Prolactin: promotes lactation

    *The information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA. The services offered by Modesto Birth & Beyond are not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Mothers who choose to consume their placenta, in whatever form, take full responsibility of their own health when using these remedies. Please research placentophagy on your own. We are happy to prepare your placenta safely, hygienically and with great care, for your own use.